What is a No Show and Late Cancellation Fee?
Due to high patient demand and the limited availability of appointments, PACS has instituted a "No Show and Late Cancellation Fee" policy that will result in a $25 fee if an appointment is canceled with less than 24 hours notice, the student does not show up for their appointment, or the student shows up late for their appointment. Students who cancel their appointments at least 24 hours in advance will not be charged a fee. Timely cancellation will allow this appointment time to be offered to another student.
What counts as a “No Show” or “Late Cancellation"?
It is considered a No Show/Late Cancellation when the student:
- Does not check in 20 minutes before their Intake appointment
- Does not check in within 10 minutes after their scheduled appointment time for an individual or group therapy appointment
- Does not reschedule or cancel their scheduled appointment at least 24 hours in advance of the start of the appointment
How do I cancel my appointment to avoid a fee?
You can cancel your appointment by:
- Calling PACS at 603-862-2090
- Cancelling in person by coming into PACS
What if I feel like I was unfairly charged and I want to appeal the fee?
We understand that on a rare occasion there may be extenuating circumstances that prevent you from calling. If this is the case, you may download the No Show Appeal form. The appeal form must be completed and returned to PACS within 14 days of your missed appointment. Your request will be reviewed and you will receive a decision via email.
Completed forms must be received by PACS no later than 14 days from the date of the missed appointment. The form can be submitted to us by:
- Emailing the form to pacs@websiteoutlok.com
- Walking the form to PACS in person during our regular business hours.
- Faxing the form to 603-862-0650
- Mailing the form to: UNH PACS, 3 Garrison Avenue, Room 306, Durham, NH 03824
If you have any further questions - please don't hesitate to contact us!